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Several "quilting bees" are available to our members who may have a specific interest or who would like to get to know other members in a small group setting. Some Bees are held in members’ homes or at quilt shops. Most meet at the Chota Recreation Center. The majority of the bees are open to new members.
1st Wednesday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
4th Wednesday 8:30am-4:00pm
Claudia Nicholson
Chota Room A
The Divas started as a group of women who had worked closely together on the boutique committee for a long-ago quilt show. They found that they enjoyed each other’s company so much, they stayed together and formed a Bee. Several of the original members have moved away but new members have joined us. We still enjoy each other’s company.
We meet to help each other with on-going projects, share new ideas and techniques, bring in ideas to inspire each other and occasionally will all work together on a single project for a specific cause. We are a group bound in friendship and the love of quilting and happily welcome any who would like to join us.
1st Thursday, 10:00am - 2:00pm
Cindy Blackberg | Sandra Black
Twisted Sisters
424 Marilyn Lane, Alcoa
The Happy Hands bee was established 10 years ago for all those quilters that love handwork.
Contact person is Sandra Black at or Cindy Blackberg at
There is always room for new people, but we do need people to contact us to make sure the meeting is not cancelled.
2nd and 4th Saturday, All Day
Donna Moore
Chota Room A
The members of the Helping Hands Bee gather twice a month for fellowship and fun.
We laugh a lot as we work on a variety of projects including UFO’s, piecework, machine applique, and assist each other with block layouts and new techniques.
3rd Wednesday, 10:00am - 12:00am
Janey Coombes
Chota Room A
The History-holics have a great interest in quilt history from quilt patterns to fabrics to trends in quilting.
We share books, old quilts, research on various topics and field trips from time to time.
3rd Monday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Cecelia Rivers
Chota Room A
The Judy Niemeyer Bee is dedicated to making paper-pieced quilts designed by Judy Niemeyer. Anyone who wants to make one or finish one is welcome.
(Coker Creek Chapter)
2nd Saturday, 10:00am - 4:00pm
Donna Powers
Coker Creek Ruritan Club
118 Ruritan Rd. Tellico Plains TN 37385
The Mountain Pine Needlers provide comfort quilts to seriously ill or abused kids. We are a chapter for the nationwide non-profit organization, Quilts For Kids. Our chapter donates quilts to East TN Children's Hospital in Knoxville. In addition, we donate quilts to children in crisis.
Anyone is welcome to participate with the Bee.
(Neighborhood Ladies Only)
Every Fri. 9:45am - 11:45am
[except 2nd Friday of the month]
Audrey Cys
The Neighborhood
The ladies of The Neighborhood (assisted living) sit and hand piece quilts that are marked with a 1/4-inch seam. We need members who are willing to help cut out kits, mark quarter inch seams on fabric and sometimes help out on stitching days. Call Audrey if you want to help with this rewarding Bee.
Third Wednesday, 12pm - 5:00pm
Cherie Oswald
Chota Room A
This is just the place for those who have embroidery machines and love machine embroidery. Join us to share your creations along with your tips and tricks for achieving the best results and your ideas for using machine embroidery in our charitable work.
2nd and 5th Wednesday
9:00am - 5:00pm
Linda Brown
Chota Room A
The WannaBees is an informal quilt bee that meets on the second and fifth Wednesdays of the month. It is open to any and all quilters who enjoy a social gathering place to work on their quilting projects. There is no agenda except to sit and sew among friends who are willing to answer questions, provide guidance, and give opinions (when asked!). You come when you want and leave when you must. Feel free to come by and meet us, and hopefully join our group of quilters.
At Capacity” Bees meet in homes with limited space. If you are interested in joining, ask the contact person to be added to their waitlist.
4th Wednesday, 9:30am
Donna Navratil,
In Homes
The members bring projects to work on by hand or to show to the group. Ideas, quilting tips and patterns are shared each month along with fellowship among this group of quilters. An annual Newbees Quilt Retreat is held each spring at the Carson Springs Baptist Conference Center in Newport, TN. The retreat is open to the Newbees and other Village Quilters, if space is available.
1st Wednesday, 10:00am - Noon
Pat Schwartz,
In Homes
The Sew ‘N Sews gather for friendship, sharing ideas, methods and quilts we have made. Working together on quilts for QOV, Habitat and Community Service. THEN LUNCH.
The Village Quilters, Inc.
145 Awohili Drive, Loudon TN 37774
Guild challenge # 1 is now available for registration. Click below to learn more and signup.